Live Your Own Life
Notes on What I’ve Learned
Explore Your Strengths
Your strengths are your toolbox. Here’s how to find out what they are and apply them.
The How and Why of Values
Values are a way of knowing yourself better by naming what’s important to you. When you have a solid idea of who you are, it grounds you. You become more confident and less reactive to the ideas and opinions of other people. People who know themselves are comfortable and pleasant to be around.
Grit for the Non-Gritty
As a person who prefers to bow out of hopeless situations before they become excruciating or life-threatening, I have never related to a reality show competitor more. Or at all, really.
Is Comparison All Bad?
People love this phrase. It's pithy and kind of old-timey sounding. You hear it from well-meaning folks when we compare our piddly achievements to those of other people. But I think that if you’re careful, comparison can be useful.