Live Your Own Life
Notes on What I’ve Learned
Self-Publishing is Punk
Gatekeeping gets in the way of sharing work, which is bad because you have something of value to share. The solution is to do an end run around gatekeepers by self-publishing.
How to be a Slacker
With flexibility in your schedule, you'll have time to think, learn, and make changes. You'll also have time to respond to a crisis or opportunity.
Your Life is a Creative Work
I think everyone is creative. Creativity is the act of imagining something that doesn't exist and making it real. It manifests in everyday life and it’s how we change our lives, and the world.
Not my circus, not my monkey
I was tired and stressed and felt bad all the time, because it turns out you can't actually take responsibility for everybody's feelings. And the reason why is that you can't control how other people feel.
Let’s Take Back Work
When I feel good about checking something off my to-do list, am I just a mindless creature of capitalism? When I push through late-afternoon sleepiness to get something done, am I just a tool of the system?
Some Advice about Advice
On the first day of the very first week of my training at coach school, the facilitator told us that coaches don't give advice. Advice is not part of coaching.
Unqualified Success
Here is a thing about me that I'm ashamed of: I don't have a fancy degree. I'm ashamed because to me, degree means smart. And I want people to know that I'm smart.
Is Comparison All Bad?
People love this phrase. It's pithy and kind of old-timey sounding. You hear it from well-meaning folks when we compare our piddly achievements to those of other people. But I think that if you’re careful, comparison can be useful.
Stuff I Don’t Believe: Notes from a skeptical coach
Coaching is adjacent to the world of self-help and personal development, and that world is full of woo. There are pages to be written about why that is, but not today. For now, I want to tell you what I don't believe in.
Go As Far As You Can See
I used to hate not knowing how things would turn out. I never started things unless I could clearly see the whole arc of the journey.